중국산 PLC, WECON. 23
WECON LX PLC: replacement (mitsubishi plc fx2n replacement)
--☞ 1) 터치 스크린의 프로그램 비밀번호. 2) PLC 비밀번호가 각각 있습니다.
중국산 WECON PLC 통신포트 :
WECON LX PLC: replacement (mitsubishi plc fx2n replacement)
The password must be 8 codes(英文 대/소문자 와 숫자 8자리로 組合)
-Program PSW:
-Download PSW:
Set/Modify/Clear download password for opening project. if project set download password,
it requires check password before executing downloading operation..
-Upload PSW:
Set/Modify/Clear upload password for opening project. if project set upload password,
it requires check password before executing uploading operation..
-Clock PSW:
Set/Modify/Clear clock password for opening project. if project set clock password,
it requires check password before setting clock operation..
-Modify passwords
Modify the passwords for encrypted subroutine, it requires enter old password.
주만전기: 010-3848-1181.
FAX: 051-522-5080.
e-mail: mjh7979@kakao.com